Radiogram Portal

NTS 2.0 Radiogram Portal

The ARRL’s NTS 2.0 has introduced a new radiogram portal! Use this portal to send traffic anywhere. The traffic entered through the portal will be routed to a traffic handler and will begin it’s journey to it’s final destination. Amateurs and non-amateurs are welcome to send messages through this portal. Visit the website linked above to learn more!

Traffic Training!

Got traffic? Traffic handling is an important part of the amateur radio hobby that leverages an extensive network of on-air nets, digital stations and dedicated ham radio operators throughout the US. Opportunities to send and receive traffic exist daily via local traffic nets. Join leadership from the Oneida County Traffic and Emergency Net and representatives from the ARRL WNY Section for a hands-on session where you’ll learn the basics about traffic handling. 

What: Traffic Handling 101 (Hands-on Training)

When: Tuesday 1/23 @ 7pm ET via Zoom

Who: Oneida County Traffic and Emergency Net and representatives from ARRL WNY Section

More Info: or FB Event Page

Net Controls & Liaisons WANTED!

Interested in taking control of the net as a net control station? This is one place where you’re encouraged to try it out without making a commitment. If you enjoy it, we can always use alternate or standby net control stations to fill in when our regular stations are not available. In addition, we are looking for General or Extra class license holders that may be interested in being a liaison from OCTEN to NYPON (New York Public Operations Net) which meets daily at 5PM on 80 meters (3925 kHz). If you are interested in either being a liaison to other nets or trying out net control, email OCTEN@WNYHAM.COM to get started!

OCTEN Google Calendar

OCTEN now has a shared Google Calendar for NCS, Liaison and Satellite reps to use in order to coordinate and share net responsibilities. CLICK HERE to access the calendar.

Users can now share satellite-checking, fill in or show a spot as OPEN for NCS or Liaison to other nets.

SET Weekend Oct 1 & 2, 2022

Just a reminder for those who will be checking in on Saturday 10/1/2022 or Sunday 10/2/2022 – please check in using non-commercial power such as batteries, generators, HT or mobile radios. When checking into OCTEN on this particular weekend, please remember to advise net control when checking in, that you are using emergency power or /E. Please test your emergency back up stations, check battery voltage, etc. While running generators and batteries, its a good time to do a safety check and ensure that all off-gassing or emissions producing products are placed in a safe manor in well-ventilated areas and that if close to a building, proper smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are installed and functioning as designed.

New Assistant Net Manager

We welcome John Perkins K2VTT as the new Assistant Net Manager for OCTEN. John comes highly recommended and is a dedicated traffic handler. John has some big shoes to fill, but we know he is up to the task.

This comes after former Assistant Net Manager, Dick KA2JFU resigned, citing personal reasons. Dick will be missed on the net and we wish him the best of luck going forward. Dick served OCTEN for many years and took on the role of Assistant Net Manager upon the resignation of Jack KA2ZNZ amid health concerns in March of 2021. Dick has always been an excellent example of a traffic handler and will be missed by the net. We hope that he will return to the net, when able, to share his knowledge with the new generation of traffic handlers.


If you’re looking for a way to listen to some HF activity, but don’t currently have an HF radio or maybe you’re lacking an antenna or live in an area with a heavy noise level – you can try using WebSDR to receive. has a bunch of receivers on air that are broadcast over the internet, including one in Northern PA that’s great to listen to NY State/Section and Regional nets with. Examples being the New York Public Operations Net at 5PM daily on 3925 kHz or Second Region Net (2RN) at 6:30PM daily on 3926 kHz.